The product delivery got delayed. Product is not yet delivered. Open / Close

Avinash Chaudhary filed this complaint againt Amazon
fault fault

Type of Product/Service
Motul 102981 C2 Chain Lube for bikes (400 ml)

When this happened

Purchase value in Rs.
Rs. 437.00

Complant Details / What Happened

The product was ordered on 25th July 2021& it was about to be delivered on 27th July 2021 as promised by Amazon, but it's been delayed from the promised delivery date. The delivery agent talked arrogantly on phone when i called him to enquire and request about the timely delivery. The product is not yet delivered. The delivery agent is intentionally delaying the delivery of the product.

Loss Value / How much effected

In financial terms, it's just Rs. 437/- but in terms of efforts i have to put to called him several times and request him to deliver the product makes me mentally stressed and harassed with the poor service by delivery agent. When i have raised this issue on Amazon India Social Media Escalation team, they also have procrastinated and delayed the matter instead to taking my compaint & some serious actions against that delivery boy.


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